A Special Gift
Hello. How are you?
Yes, you.
I see you. Hello...
Where are you?
Here? There? Everywhere?
Let's say hello to being right here, right now. Let's say hello to being in present-time.
The concept of present time is so simple, that most of us just don't get it. At the Berkeley Psychic Institute, we practice present time awareness. All of the meditation techniques we teach at BPI help you be in the present moment. It is important to focus into this present moment for many reasons. Our physical bodies are always in the present. As you, the spirit, become more aware and in your body, you have more clarity and control over your body. Being focused in present-time brings your body and spirit into alignment.
Still here?
Take a long, slow, deep breath in..... Hold for a brief moment.... Now slowly exhale. Good. Do it again. Take another long, slow, deep breath in.... hold.... then release.
Allow yourself the opportunity to focus on your breathing and create a safe and comfortable environment for yourself, making sure you are grounded and centered in your body. As you do this, say hello to your own sense of ease and flow. Slowing down into your own natural pace and stride..... releasing and replenishing energy. I invite you to focus inward and meditate on experiencing what it is like to be present, and in your body. When your mind wanders away, and it will, let yourself come back to this present moment. You can do this by simply paying attention to your breath and acknowledging your physical body.
As a spirit, you can be anywhere, all the time.... Spirit is not bound by time and space. The body is bound by time and space, and operates best when you cooperate and communicate with it in present-time.
When you meditate, sit quietly and focus your attention inward: on the body, the mind and the spirit. Call your own energy and awareness into present-time.
When we want things to be different than they are, that is when we develop resistance. As you notice how your body feels right now, just as it is, and accept it, you are in a powerful place of awareness. Being present, in present-time, is a very powerful place to be. Focusing your attention into the here and now can instantly change the energy in your space.
Still here? Good.
Everything is energy. Energy is constantly changing, all the time.
Being focused in your own mind's eye, with present-moment awareness allows you, as spirit, to be in control of your body. Get into the present, so you can heal what is painful from the past. Use your grounding to release anything that interferes with your ability to take responsibility for your body.
As you learn to be more presently focused, you can take more responsibility for your body. Everything that happens in your body is your responsibility. No one else has the right to be in your body. It is yours and yours alone. Present time is key to owning your own power, as well as owning and operating your body.
Being in present-time is a gift. I invite you to open that gift right here, right now.
Step your spirit into the center of your own head, and call yourself into the present moment. Experience being right here, right now. Experience for yourself how spirit and body are connected and work best together in present-time.
At the Berkeley Psychic Institute, we teach in-the-body meditation. You learn how to be more present, as a spirit. We practice techniques and talk about how to be in and take ownership of our own, unique physical bodies. We say hello to being grounded, centered and focused, in the present moment. These are the basic tools, the foundation of all the techniques taught at the Berkeley Psychic Institute.
Beginning Meditation Classes are available online. We offer both day-time and night-time classes. Go online to any of our websites to get all the details about our upcoming meditation class schedules.
Next session begins soon.
Are you ready to give yourself the gift of present-time?
www.santarosabpi.com - www.sacramentobpi.com - www.berkeleybpi.com